Search Blog

Thursday, October 20, 2022

What is the difference between keyword proximity and keyword density?

Three factors should be considered while crafting the body copy for your website's home page. Almost everyone who works to optimize their website for Google and other search engines by this point is aware that stuffing their website with keyword phrases might harm their ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs). Keyword stuffing or keyword spamming is this.

You can take help from Search Engine Optimization Services for Keyword proximity and keyword density. There are many SEO Specialists available in the market that are providing their superior services.

Now, let's talk about the topic more


Keywords Density

Keyword density is the ratio of the number of keywords to the total number of words in a document. For example, the keyword density would be 5% if a keyword appeared ten times in a text of 200 words.

Keywords Proximity

In simple terms, the distance between individual keywords is known as keywords proximity. For instance, we might say that referring to a website containing the words that make up the search term like 'best restaurant' and we use it like this restaurant is the best. 

What is the difference between keyword density and proximity?

In simple words, keyword proximity means how close keywords are to each other, and keyword density means the number of keywords that appear in a text according to the total number of words.

Some tips for keyword density and keyword proximity 

Suppose you're trying to find the right amount of keywords on your website. Stop doing it; neither Google nor SEO experts have established an acceptable keyword density. This idea is equally flawed when your page is ranked for more than 100 keywords. Therefore, it is impossible to boost the density for all those ranking keywords to a specific proportion. Google is intelligent enough to understand the notion by looking at the relevant keywords and synonyms the page contains. Therefore it never counts the number of times a keyword is used. So instead of packing the keywords, attempt to incorporate additional synonyms and similar terms. Other side, the proximity of keywords within the text body can be found using a real technique. There's no question that you need to consider the keywords, but the objective isn't actually to bring them all together. 

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