Search Blog

Thursday, March 14, 2024

SEO in the Blockchain Era: What's Next?

While some cryptocurrency businesses operate in the ‘real’ world, the vast majority are purely digital. It makes sense considering that cryptocurrencies in the traditional sense aren't real.

Online businesses have relied on search engines to attract visitors to their websites for a while now. Approximately 95% of all internet experiences are thought to start with a search of some kind at this time. A figure that highlights the importance of SEO – particularly for businesses operating exclusively online.

Put the pieces together and you begin to understand why cryptocurrency SEO is expected to play an increasingly important role in the crypto landscape over the coming years.

What is Cryptocurrency SEO?

Search engines are used by people to hunt for brokers, trading platforms, consultants, and other related information online. It's simpler to enter the name of the company or website into a search engine than it is to fill in the entire URL, even if they are aware of it.

This is where having the assistance of a seasoned cryptocurrency SEO company may pay off greatly. With such ferocious competition, intensive and ongoing efforts are required to climb the rankings and outperform your competitors.

IndeedSEO is currently one of the front runners in the field – an established SEO agency for the crypto market. Practicing exactly as they preach, they’ve propelled themselves to the top of the SERP rankings for their own target search terms.

The race for Bitcoin SEO supremacy is frantic, to say the least, but can be much easier to negotiate with the right help on board.

Planning Ahead: Climbing the Crypto SEO Ranks

The short answer regarding what’s next for blockchain and cryptocurrency SEO is pretty simple:

More of the same.

Getting found online quickly and easily will become (or remain) the top priority for thousands, maybe even millions of businesses operating in the crypto space over the coming years. It’s already tricky to power past your closest rivals, but things are only set to get more difficult indefinitely.

In which case, anything you can be doing to up your cryptocurrency SEO game is something you should be doing. There’s no shortage of options available and avenues to explore, but the following are near-guaranteed to result in noticeable and measurable improvements to your SEO performance in no time:

1. Use the Right Keywords in the Right Places

Title tags, keywords, headers, metas, and image file names – are just a few of the places it is essential to include your most important keywords. Even more important, however, is choosing the right keywords in the first place – a process that means taking the time to conduct in-depth audience research and analysis.

2. Keep Users on Your Site Longer

Use analytics to find out when, where, and why visitors are bailing on your site too quickly. The longer the average on-page time you accomplish, the more likely you are to be picked up by the major search engines.

3. Optimize Your Site’s Performance

Speed and seamlessness are of the essence for a site to climb the SEO rankings. Page loading times, presence of bum links, navigation issues, and so on – all need to be considered and addressed where necessary to get your site in order.

4. Take Quality Content Seriously

This is ultimately what will determine if and to what extent you’re able to differentiate yourself from your competitors. If you lack the time and/or inclination to add a constant stream of high-quality content to the pages of your website, hire someone to do it for you.

5. Build Meaningful Backlinks

Google recently confirmed that (literally) a million low-quality backlinks offer less collective benefit than just a single high-profile backlink. This means that if you can score even a modest number of the latter, you’re more or less golden.

6. Remember to Use Internal Links

Internal links to relevant pages of quality and value can also make a big difference. It’s all about streamlining and enhancing the user experience, making it as easy as possible for your visitors to find their way around.

7. Update Your Old Pages

Static content – irrespective of quality and relevance – gradually stagnates and loses its SEO value. If there’s anything that’s been sitting around and gathering dust indefinitely, think about revisiting and revamping it to bring it up to date.

8. Publish a Rich Mix of Content Types

Last up, people in general respond far more positively to websites and pages that feature a decent mix of media. Textual content, eye-catching visuals, quality photography, video clips, animation, and so on – all of which build towards a more enjoyable user experience. And given that Google is all about promoting websites that deliver the best possible UX, it can only work in your favor.a

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